Adventures In the Rings Wiki

Astrid is one of the voices in the party and often, with Donnel, seen as a voice of good. She is talented with sniper rifles and has won many awards and contests. Born to wealthy but eccentric parents, Astrid has the tendency to be snobbish due to her upbringing in Ring 3. After graduating from the Academy in R3D1, she left behind her parents, brother, and the luxury of her home to travel the rings and see what life was like beyond Ring 3. Armed with her trusty rifle, Astrid intended her only companion to be Vorg, her faithful, purse-sized Husky. Her parents were concerned for how her adventures would appear- and of course their daughters safety. Therefore, they hired ex-military cop Aleric to act as her guide and bodyguard. They did not intend for Astrid to win his friendship nor for their daughter to like the world outside of Ring 3. Yet as Astrid spent more time with Aleric, his world view began to rub off on her, confusing her moral voice and leading her to make dubious decisions. The two were on a train to start their journey through Ring 2 when they met the rest of the party during the Train incident.
